Established in January 1983, the Michigan Dairy Market Program was developed to promote the sale of milk and milk products produced within the state of Michigan and to increase consumer knowledge and acceptance of milk and milk products in general.
The program will continue for an additional five years beginning January 1, 2023. The current state program assessment is $.10 per hundredweight of Michigan Grade “A” Milk.
A total of 299 ballots were cast in the referendum. Of those, 269 producers voted yes (92 percent) representing 4,149,180,491 pounds (93 percent of the production volume represented) and 22 producers voted no (8 percent) representing 311,515,384 pounds (7 percent of the production volume represented). Eight ballots were disqualified because of incomplete information or late postmark.
For renewal of the program and its activities, more than 50 percent of the voting producers, representing more than 50 percent of the pounds sold by those voting, must have approved it.