The current Holstein-Friesian average cow lactation figure stands at 693kg of milk solids from a milk yield of 9,472kg.
This is 849kg higher than in 2010-11, according to National Milk Records’ (NMR) routine milk recording.
NMR’s latest figures also show increases in other breeds, as well as a strong gain in the most recent production year to September 2021.
Breeds performed as follows:
British Friesian and Ayrshire herds both averaged 163,000 cells/ml.
Harveys top again
The Harvey family from Beeswing, Dumfries, ranked as the top Holstein herd for the sixth consecutive year.
The farm had 270 cows with qualifying lactations and added 13kg of fat and protein to achieve 1,017kg of milk solids a cow and 14,267kg of milk on a three-times-a-day milking system.
In second place was a newcomer to the top 1% of Holstein herds. PJ and PE Ashley and Son, Shropshire, milk a 212-cow herd using robots and achieved 945kg of milk solids and 13,0802kg of milk a cow.
The lead Ayrshire herd was PA and JM Astley, Montgomery, with 665kg of milk solids and 8,384kg of milk on a twice-a-day system with 64 cows.
The top Guernsey herd was D Vincent, Devon, with 617kg of solids from 7,315kg of milk a cow.
PLI and performance
A number of farms showed correlation between profitable lifetime index (PLI) and NMR performance rankings.
Cornwall-based BC and PM Cox managed a top-five ranking in both. The farm’s 96 qualifying cows averaged a £343 PLI and 967kg of solids from 12,333kg of milk using a robotic system.