The plan aligns with Dairy Australia’s Strategy, the Australian Dairy Plan and Future Focus and outlines Murray Dairy’s new vision.
The strategic plan will focus on fostering a confident, valued and profitable dairy industry, with a mission to lead in the development and delivery of trusted, timely and relevant dairy services to meet farmer and broader industry needs.
Murray Dairy chief executive officer Jenny Wilson said the plan would focus on a number of areas.
“The Murray Dairy Board is looking forward to releasing the new strategic plan, which emphasises the need to drive a regionally targeted focus and investment in supporting farmers to adapt to climate, market and water policy drivers,” Ms Wilson said.
“Particular emphasis has been placed on safety and responsiveness to drivers such as climate change and continued water policy reform.
“Delivering services and projects that meet the region’s diverse production systems and evolving feedbase needs remains a high priority, along with ensuring the industry is well recognised, well resourced, engaged and valued.
“Underpinning the industry’s success into the future will be ensuring the industry has a perpetual supply of diverse, highly skilled and talented people, which forms the third strategic priority in the plan.”
The 2016-17 to 2019-20 strategy focused on supporting the region in building a profitable and valued dairy business.
This plan outlined three strategic priorities of growing skills and capability in the Murray Dairy region, protecting and promoting the dairy industry in the Murray Dairy region, and strengthening Murray Dairy’s partnerships.