After John Key’s jaw dropping acquiescence to China recently plus the fact that the Blue Dragons (NZ-Chinese National supporters) are one of then most powerful factions inside National now plus Luxon’s comments on taking Chinese money to build our roads all add to the criticism that National is little more than a front for Chinese Business interests!
Jenny Shipley, Don Brash, Ruth Richardson and Chris Tremain are Director’s of the China Construction Bank, Judith Collins interaction with Chinese Officials to help her husbands Chinese Company, Oravida, to gain more Chinese money and Maurice Williamson’s love affair with Donghua Liu saw him become Liu’s personal handyman when doing up Liu’s batch and heavying the Police to drop domestic violence charges.
There was also the wee issue of a Chinese Spy inside the National Party as an MP.
National are the Political Party of Corporate Dairy Farmers and the Corporate Dairy Farmers who followed John Key’s ‘All our Cows in one Beijing paddock’ strategy’ have ended up becoming indebted to our Chinese Economic Overlords…
A deep cut in Fonterra’s milk price forecast will wipe $5 billion off the country’s GDP and most dairy farmers will make significant losses this year, according to a leading agri-economist.
It will also impede the ability of New Zealand’s exports to pay for imports and put a dent in the Government’s tax take.
Veteran rural economist Phil Journeaux said that, even before Friday’s sharp reduction of $1/kg of milksolids in the mid-point of Fonterra’s forecast price range for the current season – from $8/kg to $7/kg – modelling had shown that the downturn in global milk prices and soaring cost increases meant the average Waikato-Bay of Plenty farmer stood to make a loss of $54,000.
For Fonterra farmers that loss was offset by the Fonterra share dividend and a scheduled capital return from the company. But Friday’s announcement had turned the loss into $80,000, Journeaux said.
To break even under today’s economic pressures, the average dairy farmer needs $8/kg, according to modelling.
…while our Chinese Economic Overlords build their own mega Dairy Farms that will utterly undermine our dependent industry…
Going bigger! Big scale dairy farming a main trend in China
China’s dairy farming industry has transformed over the last 2 decades and today the main trend is big scale farming.
In 2019 the annual milk production in China was 32 billion kg and according to the ‘China Dairy Industry Statistics 2020’ the 25 largest farming companies of milk delivered 9,4 billion kg of the country’s production or contributed 29%. These farming companies had 1.7 million dairy cattle or on average nearly 68 thousand animals each.
…they will overtake us and undermine us and National with their Corporate Dairy mates have set us up on a conclusion course of geopolitical tensions.
Let’s be clear, we have no issue with the Chinese people or China, our problem is with their authoritarian régime however National seem more concerned with Chinese business interests than they are with our national interests!
National’s devotion for China is not safe and neither is the coming dairy death spiral.
We have put all our cows in one Beijing paddock and it is coming back to bite us in the arse!
No wonder John Key sings Xi’s praises whenever he can!