Aurivo milk suppliers interested in joining the pilot scheme in the future can contact an Aurivo representative.

This announcement comes as part of ABP’s Advantage Beef Programme initiative, which aims to highlight the importance of good sire genetics when buying calves from the dairy herd that are destined for beef production.
The new pilot scheme, which has been filled for this year, sees high-genetic-merit beef artificial insemination (AI) straws offered to Aurivo milk suppliers.
The project will be led by Oisin Lynch, ABP’s Advantage Beef Programme Liaison Officer, who explained: “The purpose of this new venture with Aurivo is to work with dairy farmers to encourage the use of higher-genetic-merit AI sires, resulting in better quality calves with the potential for higher beef carcass performance.
We believe more integration is needed with the dairy and beef industries and we look forward to working with Aurivo milk suppliers in the future. Using higher-genetic-merit bulls can be a win-win for both the dairy farmer and the beef farmer, by providing the beef farmer with better calves and the dairy farmer with a more secure market for their calves.”
Results on AI Angus sires from the ABP Demonstration Farm have shown up to a €200/head difference in price between finished progeny from high-genetic-merit sires compared to lower beef-genetic-merit sires.
ABP and Aurivo have plans to further develop the project in the future to encourage more dairy farmers to get involved.
Commenting on the new venture, Vincent Griffith, Farm Profitability Specialist with Aurivo said: “We are excited about this pilot programme with ABP. Selecting high-genetic-merit beef bulls that are easy calving, short gestation but have high carcass traits will be beneficial for both our milk suppliers and local beef farmers who will buy these calves.”
Aurivo milk suppliers interested in joining the pilot scheme in the future can contact an Aurivo representative.
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