In addition to the six Platinum winners, there were 21 Gold and 20 Silver NDQA winners. These farms were selected from 86 applications submitted for the 2021 awards. Farms were nominated by professionals, such as dairy plant field staff, veterinarians, extension specialists and Dairy Herd Improvement supervisors, who serve the dairy industry.
Wisconsin farms earning Gold Awards:
-Baier Creek Farms (Charlie, Rod, Trevor and Steve Baier), Elmwood,
-Christop Dairy (Neil Christianson), Shiocton,
-Dorner Farms (Cory and Maria Dorner), Luxemburg,
-Jauquet Hillview Dairy (Dave and Stacy Jauquet), Luxemburg,
-Kleinhans Dairy Farm (Michael Kleinhans), Kiel,
-Maly Farms (Butch and Ron Maly, and Alicia Sippl), Bryant,
-Seidl’s Mountain View Dairy (Al Seidl), Luxemburg,
-Theisen Family Farm (Jonathon Theisen), Campbellsport,
-Wenzel Hilltop Dairy LLC (Judy, Kevin and Jessica Wenzel), Hilbert.