For quite some time there has been some folks who do not approve of mentioning happy cows when advertising dairy products. It is my understanding that there is a “group” of these folks and that funding for the group and those in charge comes from donations, sent to them by individuals and other groups. I doubt very much if they receive donations from any dairy farmers or others involved in the dairy industry.
This brings to mind some questions. How do these folks determine what makes a cow happy or unhappy? Do they have “moo-chiatrists” who, like psychiatrists, talk to cows as they recline on their waterbed or sand lined comfort stalls or on their comfortable bedding pack in their free-stall barns? Do they understand and communicate with “cow talk”? Have any of these folks ever owned a cow, milked a cow, shown a cow, lived on or worked on a dairy farm? Do they know the difference between a beef cow and a dairy cow? By the way, they should also know that cows do not “wag” their tails, they “switch” them!
The dairy farmers I know and have known over the years try to do everything they can to make their cows healthy and happy. The get up very early each morning to milk them two or three times a day to relieve their udders. With robot milkers now being used, the cows can go get milked as often as they want. Most dairy farmers keep feed available to their cows 24 hours a day. The feed is developed and monitored by specialists, who select the best ingredients to mix in the ration to keep the cows healthy and producing lots of milk.
A dairy podiatrist comes regularly to check the cows’ feet, trim them if necessary and treat any hoof problems that they find. Veterinarians are available or on call for any cows that appear sick, unhealthy or need attention in any other way. Many dairies have veterinarians who work with their herds on a monthly schedule or are employees of the farms and are there every day. Many dairies have monitors to show the activity happening in the dairy barns twenty four hours a day, with someone checking them on a regular schedule.
I recently read on a website, “A low ear position and a cool nose, for example, means that a cow is feeling good.” I once had a big, black Triple Threat daughter that had droopy ears; however, being happy wasn’t the reason I was given for them being that way. It was supposed to have something to do with bloodlines. As far as I know, her nose was cool most of the time and especially during our Ohio winters! She always seemed happiest to me after having a nice bath, being brushed and shining from head to tail and bringing back a blue ribbon from the show ring. That always put me in a happy mood too.
Dairy farmers and their families work hard to give their dairy cows the best care they can. Their livelihood depends on their cows producing lots of milk and staying healthy and happy. Due to the price received for the milk they produce, the many rules and regulations that must be followed in order to sell their milk and the many other problems they face today, there is no doubt in my mind that currently there are a lot more happy cows than happy dairy farmers!