Legislation that would allow whole milk to be offered in school cafeterias has passed the U.S. House.
The bill was introduced by Pennsylvania Congressman Glenn Thompson.
Federal policy has kept whole milk out of school cafeterias because of its saturated fat content.
The most recent dietary guidelines for Americans say that milk is a source of three out of four under-consumed nutrients including calcium, potassium, and vitamin D.
David Smith of the Pennsylvania Dairymen Association said, “I think the dairy farmers in Pennsylvania are ecstatic about having this happen. It’s just a part of the journey and there’s more work to be done, we’re very emphatic that we’d like to see all children have the nutrition of milk and we want them to like the milk they’re drinking”
The bill would allow low-and-fat-free milk to still be offered in school lunches.
The measure now heads to the Senate.