Stop by booth (TC 664) in the trade center and visit with me at World Dairy Expo.
One reason for this is the substantial difference in inventory levels between cheese and butter. Total cheese inventory for August was 4% higher than August 2021 while butter inventory was 22% lower than a year ago. That is having a significant impact on the interest of buyers of the product. Cheese buyers seem to be purchasing more on an as-needed basis while butter buyers have been more aggressive. Even though cheese prices are lower and the time of year would suggest demand would be higher, sellers continue to offer cheese on the spot market without reservation. They have no desire to hold back from taking a chance that prices will increase. Manufacturers would rather move products rather than speculate on seasonality or potential. The window of increased buying for holiday demand and possibly higher prices is narrowing. More orders for cheese and butter have been placed earlier this year than usual as retail and the food service industry wanted to be assured of product with delivery when they need it. This creates an unusual dynamic in the market itself.