The president of the ranchers in the municipality of Saucillo, Manuel Balderrama Olivas, said that, although he is not a dairy farmer, he sympathizes, because both sectors require that support, because the outlook is very sad, “we are talking to the stones.”
In the center-south region, as in most of the state, there is an intense drought that affects all the productive sectors of the countryside, and small milk producers are affected by an intense crisis, which has forced many to sell part of his cattle herd.
He asserted that it is urgent that the federal and state governments give them support, especially small milk and meat producers, so that they can conserve what remains of their cattle.
At the beginning of the year they were authorized to raise the guaranteed price of a liter of milk to 9.20 pesos, one peso more than in 2021, but the dairy farmers request that it be increased to 10.20 pesos.
They seek to maintain dialogue tables with authorities
In addition, they are still in talks to maintain work tables with the Federation and state officials, to maintain constant communication about the needs of the sector.
Official data reveals that the Liconsa program supported a total of 1,200 milk producers in Chihuahua in 2021 with an investment of 1,768 million pesos, which places this program in second place with the largest amount of resources, only by below pensions for older adults, reported the Welfare delegation.
In total, between 2020 and 2021, 1,200 milk producers have benefited each year with 3,269,135,497 pesos.
The difference with the past administration, in addition to the amount, is that the distribution of resources is carried out directly, not through intermediaries such as rural production companies, milk producer cooperatives and civil associations, which generated a dynamics of dispersion of public resources at will.
The federal government decided that this social supply program would implement the purchase of milk with a guaranteed price directly from medium and small producers. In this way, the average is 25 liters per cow, up to a herd of 100 heads per owner.
Per year, the municipality that contributes the most liters and therefore has the highest income is Meoqui, with 49 million 347 thousand 646 liters of dairy and an economic spill of 453 million 998 thousand 343.20 pesos.