This week, American Dairy Association North East addressed a disparaging animal activist article in the New York Daily News, by immediately responding to set the record straight.
Undeniably Dairy (PRNewsfoto/Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy)

ADA North East worked with board president Audrey Donahoe of Clayville, N.Y., to draft and submit a positive letter to counter the misinformation in the article and to build trust in dairy.

ADA North East continually monitors dairy-focused issues in the media. The organization crisis preparedness program is in place to activate and coordinate quickly in response to issues, incidents and situations that could significantly threaten the dairy industry.

“Rapid response is key to correcting and deflecting negative commentary about the dairy industry, and we have a plan in place to immediately address a situation like what happened this week,” said ADA North East CEO Rick Naczi. “Protecting dairy’s image is Priority One, and we are prepared to address any problems that may arise.

“We have developed tools for our staff, board of directors and industry partners to address negative issues and better navigate through a crisis.”

“Dairy farmers have a great story to tell, and while reading inaccurate and negative information about the dairy industry is frustrating, we’re armed with the skills to set the story straight,” said ADA North East Director of Consumer Confidence Beth Meyer. “We can tell consumers what we want them to know, while addressing what they care about.”

For more information about ADA North East’s crisis preparedness plan, contact Beth Meyer at, or call 315.472.9143.

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