A South Australian Dairy Summit is planned for Monday, March 1, to look at how the industry can help contribute to the state's economic growth.
SA FOCUS: All subjects are on the table for discussion at the SA dairy summit next month.

The event is being driven by the SA Dairyfarmers’ Association, the SA Government and the Dairy Industry Association of Australia.

It will look at how the dairy industry can contribute to the SA Government’s 2019 aim of lifting overall gross state product by 3 per cent.

It will also assess progress on the South Australian Dairy Industry Action Plan 2019 -2024, which was launched in March 2019.

The first SA Dairy Summit was held in November 2019 using the action plan as the base document.

This includes regulatory arrangements which may improve the SA dairy product.

The summit will bring all players in the dairy industry together to identify ways to achieve the aims of the action plan and highlight the industry’s contribution.

The summit will operate under the provision of the Chattem House Rules and all topics are open for discussion.

Discussion points for consideration include, but are not limited to;

Policies and economics;
Science and technology;
Marketing and messaging;
Nutrition and health;
Animal health and welfare;
Providence and geographic indicators;
Food safety/risk management;
Environment/climate change; and
Farm management/drought.

To book a place at the summit, ring the SADA office on (08) 8293 2399 or email sada@sada.asn.au before February 22.

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