The transaction, which was completed on March 31, 2023, was subject to a number of conditions, including receipt of regulatory approvals and commencement of an irrevocable public tender offer process for the outstanding shares not owned by the New Zealand dairy co-op, which have been satisfied.
According to Fonterra CEO Miles Hurell, the divestment is ‘a significant milestone’ for the co-op, which is selling its overseas assets to focus on New Zealand milk. The deal, valued at around NZ$1.05bn (US$644m), will reduce the co-op’s debt and return around NZ$0.50 per share and unit, or around NZ$800m (US$502m), to Fonterra farmer owners and unit holders.
“We remain on track for a record date for the proposed capital return in late September 2023, with cash to be received by our farmer owners and unit holders the following month,” Hurrell said.