State officials are making sure that when that sweet tooth starts aching and the scorch of summer turns thoughts toward cool treats, locals and tourists head for a local creamery.
State officials recently gathered at one such creamery — Urban Churn in Mechanicsburg to launch Scooped: An Ice Cream Trail.
“This ice cream trail provides consumers an opportunity to experience Pennsylvania’s rich agricultural heritage while learning more about the dairy industry, supporting small businesses and enjoying a scoop, or several, of PA Preferred ice cream,” Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding said. “Whether it’s a reward following a Little League win, a salute to reuniting with family and friends or a tribute to a hot summer day, there’s a lot to celebrate about and with Pennsylvania dairy.”
Lepore said that after all the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ice cream trail comes as a welcome reprieve.
The trail is broken into three regions: west, south-central and east. Two are a short drive from southern Schuylkill County.
The Nesting Box Market & Creamery
Located at 230 Snyder Road near Kempton, The Nesting Box is known for its cage-free brown eggs. And it has now added homemade ice cream to the menu.
The creamery offers handcrafted, artisan ice cream, as well as locally produced foods and goods from nearby farms.
The Nesting Box is open Fridays from noon until 6 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
You can visit The Nesting Box’s Facebook page at: facebook.com/The-Nesting-Box-Farm-Market-Creamery-556327607868919.
Way-Har Farm Market
Way-Har is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
The third-generation, family-owned business is located at 7701 Bernville Road (Route 183) between Bernville and Strausstown.
Way-Har is a popular local spot for ice cream and milkshakes, which customers can purchase from the ice cream wagon. The store also sells milk from the farm, as well as an assortment of homemade baked goods.
Way-Har is open Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays.
You can visit Way-Har’s website at wayharfarms.com.
Here are the rest of the creameries taking part in Scooped: An Ice Cream Trail:
South-central region
-Fox Meadows Creamery, 2475 West Main St., Ephrata. Website: foxmeadowscreamery.com.
-Hall’s Ice Cream, 861 Raccoon Valley Road, Millerstown. Website: hallsicecream.com.
-Lapp Valley Farm, 244 Mentzer Road, New Holland. Website: reallancastercounty.com/shops/food-fresh-healthy-natural-organic-seasonal/local-dairies/lapp-valley-farm-dairy-ice-cream.
-Patches Family Creamery, 201 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon. Website: patchesfamilycreamery.com.
-Perrydell Farm and Dairy, 90 Indian Rock Dam Road, York. Website: perrydellfarm.com.
-Sweet Treats & More, 72 North Market St., Elizabethville. Website: facebook.com/SweetTreatsEville.
-The Milkhouse at Oregon Dairy, 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz. Website: oregondairy.com/the-restaurant/ice-cream-shoppe.
-The Sugar Shack of Boiling Springs, 101 W. First St., Boiling Springs. Website: thesugarshackofboilingsprings.com.
-Urban Churn, 6391 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg. Website: urbanchurn.com/2021.
-Windy Knoll Farm Market and Creamery, 2685 Spring Road, Chambersburg. Website: facebook.com/Windy-Knoll-Farm-Market-Creamery-749495641788195.
East region
-Chester Springs Creamery at Milky Way Farm, 521 E. Uwchlan Ave., Chester Springs. Website: milkywayfarm.com/creamery.
-Creamworks, 1557 Creek Drive, Waymart. Website: creamworkscreamery.com.
-Crystal Spring Farm, 3550 Bellview Road, Schnecksville. Website: crystalspringfarmpa.com.
-Freddy Hill Farms, 1440 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale. Website: freddyhill.com.
-Keatings Ice Cream, 1642 Archbald Mountain Road, Lake Ariel. Website: facebook.com/KeatingsIceCream.
-Klein Farms Dairy and Creamery, 410 Klein Road, Easton. Website: kleinfarms.com.
-Manning Farm Dairy, RR#1 Manning Road, Dalton. Website: manningfarm.com.
-Merrymead Farm, 2222 S. Valley Forge Road, Lansdale. Website: merrymead.com.
-Milkhouse Creamery, 99 Pecora Road, Drums. Website: facebook.com/MilkhouseCreamery.
-The Lands at Hillside Farms, 65 Hillside Road, Shavertown. Website: thelandsathillsidefarms.org.
West region
-Betsy’s Ice Cream, 664 Washington Road, Mount Lebanon. Website: betsysicecream.com.
-Jackson Farms, 6718 National Pike East, New Salem. Website: facebook.com/Jacksonfarms40.
-Kerber’s Dairy, 1856 Guffey Road, North Huntingdon. Website: kerbers.com.
-Penn State Berkey Creamery, 119 Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Building, University Park. Website: creamery.psu.edu.
-Ritchey’s Dairy, 2130 Cross Cove Road, Martinsburg. Website: ritcheysdairy.com.
-Stock’s Dairy Delight, 2491 Cove Mountain Road, Martinsburg. Website: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063693844773.
-Vale Wood Farms, 517 Vale Wood Road, Loretto. Website: valewoodfarms.com.
-Widnoon Soft Serve, 911 Mahoning Road, Templeton. Website: facebook.com/widnoonsoftserve.
-Windy Ridge Dairy, 457 North Tower Road, Fombell. Website: wrdairy.com.