Global Dairy Supply and Demand Trends
- Strong growth in dairy consumption from 2020 to 2030 is expected, driven by population growth and changing per capita dairy demand, particularly in Southeast Asia (SEA), the largest growth region.
- Global Skim Milk Powder (SMP) trade has surpassed WMP, driven by higher fat prices (Anhydrous Milk Fat, Butter).
- The aging population is shifting the focus from infant to adult formula markets, especially in the U.S., China, and India.
- Protein demand is shifting away from cream stream returns to a desire for higher protein output.
New Zealand Milk Production
- After August’s seasonal drop, export volumes are expected to increase YoY with value stablishing while prices hold
- Overall national pasture growth outlook remains strong, despite regional variance
- With the economy recovering, improving demand and the ongoing free trade agreements and policy reviews, the market should continue to strengthen
Dairy Derivatives and Market Development
- SGX-NZX trading volumes double and open interest increase by 1.5x since migration
- More diverse participation from different regions and participants contributing to tighter spreads
- Strong opportunities in spread trading between SGX-NZX, EEX SMP, and CME NFDM
- Larger focus on index linked pricing going forward
- NZ farmers are still early in managing price risks but are gradually adopting futures and options to hedge downside risks.
China Economy
- Residential property prices are declining in China, and weak imports coupled with strong export growth have created a significant trade surplus.
- Stimulus measures in China have had mixed results, with markets responding positively despite ongoing concerns about consumer confidence and the state of the property market.
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