OPINION: When Fonterra announced its Scope 3 emissions target this month, you might have thought that would please Greenpeace.
But it seems whatever dairy farmers do, it won’t be enough for the lobby. Greenpeace rubbished Fonterra’s plan and again called for fewer cows and less fertiliser use.
So, Feds president Wayne Langford has rightly put the boot into Greenpeace. Nothing Fonterra could have announced would have been good enough for Greenpeace because they’re anti-farmer and anti-science, he says.
“They’re totally fixated on an impractical plan to halve the herd and to ban fertiliser, but that’s completely out of touch with what most Kiwis want. New Zealanders liked Greenpeace a lot more when they stuck to saving whales. They should get back to that and stop slagging off our worldleading farmers,” Langford said. We agree!