The cumulative stocks in 2019 of dairy up to August are 26.7% and 27.2% lower than the same period of the previous year in volume of products and equivalent milk (litres of raw milk needed to produce these products according to the coefficients of 1/2018 of the DNL-MPyT), respectively.
This was reported by the Argentine Dairy Chain Observatory, an agency under the National Ministry of Agriculture.
The Ocla made the report with data from the dairy industries panel, established from the joint release of Resolution 230/16 and historical information from Resolution 7/14.
The lowest stocks in both absolute and relative terms are given in unrefrigerated milks and powdered milks (they account for 75% of the lowest stock in equivalent liters).
A graphical simplification is presented below for the evolution of the stocks of the main products for August of the last 7 years.
Stocks that have fallen by more than 30% at the beginning of 2019 compared to 2018 have been strongly recomposed in recent months, as shown in the graph below, as a result of a seasonal production growth (maximum level estimated in this October), a low household consumption (between 5 and 6%) and the exports that have recovered in August, in the year-on-year cumulative show 12% less. The stock for September 2019 is an estimate made by Ocla.