The Bel Group has unveiled a “major strategic turn” that includes the development of hybrid products that integrate dairy and plant-based raw materials.

As early as 2020, the owner of brands such as Babybel and The Laughing Cow, will offer recipes that combine dairy raw materials with vegetables or leguminous plants.
Bel said such innovations will enable its brands to offer new alternatives adapted to a diverse range of consumer expectations and nutritional needs in the healthy snack space.
All the company’s brands are subject to the innovation plans to help deliver inclusive and responsible healthy snack solutions.
“Food for all has been in Bel’s DNA from the start thanks to our single-serving portions model, on which our unique product portfolio is based,” said Cécile Béliot, Bel Group executive vice president for strategy, growth drivers and markets.
“Our success is built on a determination to make dairy goodness accessible to families all over the world, and our goal today is to go further by inventing new products and offering consumers inclusive and responsible brands.”
Bel has also revealed plans to eliminate all artificial flavours and colourants in its products by 2021. By 2025, the company is aiming to achieve carbon-neutral status and use packaging that is 100% recyclable and/or biodegradable.
The transformation of Bel’s business model and brands will be embodied in a new corporate identity, ‘For All. For Good’.
Antoine Fiévet, Bel Group CEO, said: “Bel’s DNA is not changing, but our transformation is accelerating. Our new signature symbolises our commitment and the sustainable business model we are building together.
“For behind ‘For All. For Good’ stand 12,600 employees in over 30 countries who are united in their efforts to build a different company – a company that constantly and positively interacts with the world.”

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