• Sam Stubbs on how the Aussie banks are absolutely destroying Kiwis. But he’s not here to moan, he’s come armed with solutions.
• Alwyn Poole is all for charter schools, and so am I. So we chat education achievement and some of the stats are alarming, especially in our ‘bottom 30’ schools.
• Billy Stairmand is off to the Olympics! The surfer runs us through his preparation and where the surfing part of the games is taking place seeing as there’s no surf on the river of Paris…funny that…
(00:01) this is a podcast from Rover the editor and chief is live in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one okay welcome to the program you’re with the editor and Chief and we’re live it’s great to have you coming this morning welcome I’m Duncan Garner and today we focus on the big Banks and Winer kiwi is likely to get a bit of from the big Banks which are all always owned and between them control more than 90% of the New Zealand markets so last year we saw their combined profits go past $7 billion for the first time the
(00:40) Commerce Commission here has said it’s time that ki’s got a B deal so where is it when is it coming uh what’s it going to look like it’s called open banking which would open up the market to new players and make it easier for us to move Banks and get better deals but where is it the banks are in cahoots with each other and without some aggressive competition for the major Banks then kiwi consumers are missing out so we look at the Sam stubs is there inconvenient in truth he will join us shortly and talk about this um he
(01:03) continues to call them out doesn’t he jump on the YouTube or Tik Tok the links are all here have a look at that leave us a comment as well we also have kiwi Olympic Surfer Billy staman on the show today is surfing Tak Center Stage for the first time at the Olympics and The Man Behind the Char of schools movement reveals how badly our kids are doing in the state system we’ll look at that shortly brace yourself for that it’s news time here’s media Works Deputy news editor it’s Grace Cocker good
(01:24) morning the PM is being accused of dragging New Zealand into the US China conflict in an interview with the financial times Christopher luxen suggested the Defense Force could be used by orcus as a force multiplier former national leader Don Brash warns against picking aside if China were to cut us off from a market point of view for say logs or dairy or kiwi food or whatever and you will be up the creek without a pedal and there are fears for the country’s International reputation cause a growing for Shane Jones to be
(01:52) removed as resource Minister after News Room revealed it was his team who set up a meeting with mining companies spokesperson Augusta mccassie Pickard says it’s not a good look New Zealand is known for having really high levels of Integrity in our political system and we really think that this is going to potentially damage them women considering a termination are being urged to access as much information as possible warnings are being raised about medical abortion reversal Dr Jillian Gibson from the College of Obstetricians
(02:18) and gynecologists says it’s unsafe there’s certainly no evidence to support the prescription of abortion reversal medication the future of Comedy Rock Duo Tenacious D is uncertain following a b taste joke at a Sydney gig Jack Black has caned the rest of his world tour including in New Zealand after his bmate poked fun at the attempted assassination of Donald Trump Kyle glass has gas guess sorry hant apologize but the Fallout continues including being dropped by his agent black says all future creative
(02:46) plans are on hold to sport histories against New South Wales ahead of state of origin 3 against Queensland tonight the blues have won just two deciders at Sun Corp stadium in 94 and 2005 coach Michael Maguire says his players are ready they all understand what we’re walking into and going towards and yeah the the performance that we need kickoffs after 10 p.
(03:09) m England searching for a new football manager following the resignation of Gareth Southgate and New Zealand’s confirmed their team of 195 athletes for the Paris Olympics nine days out from the opening ceremony that’s news and Sport if that Grace the mining companies would Lov that wouldn’t they hi it’s Jonesy here do you want to do you want to mining again so kind of funny uh the spokesperson by the way I realized I did not read uh who the spokesperson is she is actually from a climate against the fast TR uh group so I just want to
(03:35) disclaim that um but yeah Shane Jones we did ask for an interview yesterday he turned around one of his spokes people and said well it was a up not a conspiracy so no no interview Shane Jones is no to an interview yes that’s almost news of itself is it yes yes yeah it’s Shane here like go Min yes please sir um right the banks um we talked about the cost of living on the show yesterday the state of skyrocketing utility bills and a major contributor to this pain is Rising interest rates pushing the prices up in most sectors so
(04:03) our banks laughing at us their profits steadly rise and change is so slow to come the Commerce Commission investigated and found that the top tier of New Zealand’s banking uh problem is A&Z ASB bnz westpack they’re all making more money of us than the global peers you said business leader Sam stub says um that we are the cash cow that keeps on giving They’re laughing at us so how are they getting away with it and when’s change coming um Sam joins us now good nice to see you good day good day we
(04:26) constantly talk about this don’t we but we can’t stop talking about it because they’ve done nothing about it no it keeps on going a like you mentioned $7 billion with a profit remember that’s after tax too mate was about $10 billion before tax that’s about $2,000 per New Zealander on average per year yeah per year like it’s it’s a massive so it’s more than some people paying their rates yeah and look it is it is by far the most profitable industry in in in in the country and it’s interesting I think the
(04:48) last time I looked at it the four most profitable companies in the country were the four biggest banks and we’re the only country in the oecd that I could find where that’s the case is there nowhere else where the profile fits the same um around the world no they are they are exceptionally profitable here and I think that’s because we’re effectively a branch office of their Australian head officers I mean I I do feel for the local people on the ground here I mean you know the people working these banks are really good people they
(05:10) mean well but fundamentally they’re being told by Melbourne and Sydney look you know this is a cash cow carry on milking is it true that if you look at the a andz profit if you compare it to Australian is a like for like are something like four time because we we’re four times smaller that they are that our profit is four times bigger which just shouldn’t happen well the last time the bank started basically produced what i’ call segmented data on on you know where they’re making money geographically New Zealand New Zealand
(05:36) for all of them was about 20% more profit profitable on a per person basis than it was in Australia it’s across mortgages isn’t it it’s mortgages and term deposits you know I mean Banks basically it’s banking is really simple dun and all you do is you take term deposits and you add a margin on and you lend it out in mortgages and business lending and so on so and that’s called the net interest margin now the net interest margin in New Zealand is higher than it is in Australia and actually the
(05:58) net interest margins in New Zealand like they like they’re world class in a really bad way right really bad way you don’t want yeah they’re extremely high and the reason is and you know the Commerce Commission finally used the word oligopoly when they did this right no one’s been able to say that for fear of what the banks would come with you but basically they’ve said it now they are running an oligopoly or you’d call it cartel pricing it’s cartel it’s like oil companies isn’t them anyway yeah and
(06:22) and so the the the the the only real way you like like turkeys don’t vote for Christmas mate you’re never going to get them to like lower lower their margins you know um uh because I want to or because it feels good or because you have to legislate because otherwise you won’t get buy will you well there are two options one is legislation but effectively it’s let’s create proper competition and so what the legislation should do I’ve never been in favor of profit taxes on these things because I
(06:48) think it sits a very dangerous precedent does but you do have to open up for competition proper competition so we’ve just had you know that this that the open banking now is starting effectively what we’ve done is we’ve kind of built the foundations for the house you you’re not going to notice things happening dramatically and quickly but now we’ve started on this journey whereby and look here’s the big prize the big priz is when kiwi Bank can get really big and hairy and can start beating them up but
(07:13) the real prize is when you know it’s interesting in New Zealand I like we have Nike New Balance we have Japanese cars we don’t have a Japanese Bank we don’t have an American Bank we don’t have actually have any big gorillas coming in here and bidding up the are there are some Indian Banks but that’s more development stuff isn’t it they’re really small really small change right so so so so when when we’re able to do number portability when we can move our bank account the same way we can move
(07:34) our power you know account right now when we have that and when you can move it to a really big gorilla like you know Bank of America Tokyo Mitsubishi one of the really big ones who’ve decided that because there’s open banking because you can now go and get market share because you don’t have to open branches in every town right then you’ll get competition no wonder the banks have all the lobbyists in Wellington still I mean the lobbyists are there they’re doing the business and they are close to the
(08:00) politicians because it’s in their interest to be right absolutely and and what they’ve done and this is my personal opinion but for the longest time there as soon as the government started to you know say listen we want to open this up they said oh we might pull out of New Zealand like come on it’s absolute rubbish I mean this is and it hasn’t happened I’ve seen you know One Bank do it in my career two or three times now so so no that that that won’t happen so once we have a Level Playing
(08:25) Field and we get more competition in that means that we ultimately we’ll get more choice now what you’re going to see in the inim is you’re going to see a couple of small companies start up now they’re going to start offering you debit cards seen a bit of that yeah yeah companies like you know Doh emerge debut they’re all coming through now they’re awesome they will go out and start offering actual transaction Services they’ll be really it’ll be really hard for them to offer you a mortgage and to
(08:48) take term deposits because they need to be a bank and they need to be big and and hairy in that regard but they will start to show that there is actually some Choice see one of the answers is also k bank getting some Capital Ki Bank getting some par they haven’t got anything that’s absolutely what they should do so kiwi bank is a one arm boxer with four heavy weights in the ring right one of them is Tyson exactly and yeah so so so once once they get serious money and that they can get seriously beefy that’s more competition
(09:13) as well yeah but win but win see if I tried to move Banks today how hard will it be it’s going to take time mate look I think it will take three four five years before we start to see serious competition we need we need several pieces of of the law to change in terms of doing this but listen we’re on the track now I think look it’s Tak so long Duncan for the politicians to wake up to the fact that we’re actually being gouged here the biggest milking operation in New Zealand is the banks it’s not fonti no that’s right that’s
(09:38) right and so that you’re de right about that but I wonder um in the interest there’s no interest for the banks to actually push for change here so how does it how does the next step come it the Law changes the law creates a Level Playing Field and then competitors start looking at New Zealand saying ah we can finally compete are we big enough those two at the margin yeah we will because because look in the old days mate you had to set up a branch in every town right but now you can do all of these things online right so as soon as you
(10:03) know a big us or a big European or big Japanese Bank starts say Hey listen we can actually set up a website here people can transfer very quickly we have a competitive pricing power do you think we’re close to that uh 3 to 5 years away is my guess but we’re starting it’s starting the other the other interesting thing too Duncan is is you know you’re getting a whole lot more money in the economy via VIA kiwi saver as well I would not be surprised if kiwi Bank ends up being owned you know partially by
(10:28) kiwi saver funds as well well they got rid of the Ki fun didn’t they they got rid of Ki fish they sold it and and look K kiwi bank for the longest time has been Capital constrainted they they’ve kind of been like a like a play thing for the government it’s part of it got sold to the nzed super fund on acc they gave it back to the government government doesn’t know what to do with k bank why they keep K we they could have used that as a well maybe maybe but but once again what what what they needed was an awful lot of money and the
(10:53) government of the day is not going to not going to stick a couple of billion dollars on the Kiwi Bank to make it compete with the Aussies when they can spend that on schools and so so we we kiwi sches we need to be the suppliers of capital to Kiwi Bank in the then ultimately you can list the company and once you list it you can just raise money from all over the world I know but this this that’s the perfect scenario it is yeah but again that’s that’s years away is it it it it it takes time but but but D it you know like like the best
(11:18) time to do this was 30 years ago yeah second best time is now mate let’s just get going let’s get going always appreciate your time on the program cheers mate thank you so much GH yeah 800 863 293 leave us a message as well all the details are on are on the on the screen in front of you can see that thanks Sam um right to the Olympics we go s for Billy Stan is heading to the Olympics alongside teammate um safy Vetti to represent New Zealand but the mount local isn’t actually going to make it to Paris um that’s because um Paris
(11:44) isn’t really known for its surf break so the competition will be held at the infamous uh well let me get this right tahura that’s where it is it’s named as one of the top 10 deadliest waves and is name is basically Loosely trans translate to S the head or place of skulls man that’s pretty scary and Billy joins me now byy good mate nice to have you on the program yeah thanks for having me play some scale sounds pretty scary doesn’t it yeah have you sured this break before I have before I’ve done a couple
(12:11) training trips and um yeah it’s very intimidating it’s very beautiful at the same time very powerful a lot of energy over there but um yeah I’m looking forward to the challenge ahe yeah what’s your form like how do you think you’re going to go because this is the first time surfing speed at the Olympics which is about time but how do you think you’ll go yeah this is actually the second time it was in Tokyo um obviously yeah the co games as they call it but um yeah hope I mean I’m you know hoping for
(12:35) the best I’ve done a lot of preparation and um a lot of training and a lot of hard work and I do like going left I am from Ragin so um it’s kind of familiar to me but a wave like that is um you know so unpredictable so yeah I’m I’m looking forward to it what do you expect um in in Tahiti because you’re not going to be in Paris obviously so it’ll be the Olympics away from the Olympics won’t it yeah we’re basically on the other side of the world um but yeah it’s going to be an awesome journey and an awesome
(13:03) trip we uh we fly over to Tahiti on Sunday um unfortunately we missed the opening ceremony in Paris but I’m sure they’ll have something on in Tahiti for us and uh we actually get to stay on a cruise ship and um you know uh compete against the best and then after our competition hopefully we’ll get a medal and we’ll be able to go to uh we actually fly to Paris and be amongst the team over there and support as much as we can I think in t you probably get a lounge in a big screen or something won’t you you get some sort of here we
(13:29) go guys this is this is this is what you’re looking at it’s all happening in Paris yeah yeah yeah hopefully there’ll be um you know some TVs around and we can support the team and um you know hopefully give them some money from Tahiti and I know they’ll be doing the same for us uh over in Paris and um here in New Zealand so how how’s seph’s form yeah seph’s been going good um we’ve done a couple trips together and uh kind of pushing each other and obviously it’s it’s a new way for her
(13:56) and and a new experience for her as well so um yes she’s been charging and everyone’s feeling pretty fit and healthy and ready to go you know we’ve done all the hard yards now it’s kind of um almost up to Mother Nature to kind of provide us with some waves now and uh yeah we got a few training days before the actual competition next weekend and uh still a lot of hard work to do but um yeah looking forward to it have you have you looked at the the waves what’s been happening there what’s it looking like I
(14:23) have been actually I’ve been waking up every day checking the surf report and checking checking the videos and uh kind of a little bit nervous you know it’s all becoming real now but um yeah it’s been very big there the last few days actually um some big toe days behind the jet ski and some big wave guys going over but um yeah the lead up to the to the actual competition looks pretty promising doesn’t look very like big and scary at the moment but um yeah you never know what what the ocean can can
(14:51) do over there and you never know what the swells can do so just preparing as much as I can yeah I mean who who’s hot what’s the main competition who’s the main who’s who’s the hot dog I like to say myself you know but um you obviously you got world champions like John John Florence Gabriel Medina you got all the top top of the top uh in the surf industry and then you’ve got some um cool like variety that have gone through the ISA world surfing games so you got a good diverse people you know over there in um
(15:22) Tahiti and uh it’s going to be a good competition and um hopefully I get enough good opportunities to get on a good run and and hopefully bring home a medal for New Zealand well to people that don’t understand surfing I mean what wins it what what do you need to do to win an Olympic gold medal in surfing yeah so there’s 24 male and 24 female uh in the competition you have Heats uh Heats are normally 30 minutes long um and depending on how many people you have in a heat uh how many progress so for instance if we have two people in
(15:56) the heat one progress so 50% chance of progressing um I think you have to win about four to five Heats um to become a medalist uh you’re judged out of 10 um 10 being the best one being the worst or the lowest 0.1 being the lowest um and it varies on the day uh the judging criteria because of the surf conditions right do you need to stay on the board for the longest is it is it the best the longest ride and that sort of thing or all the tricks are you doing the tricks or what is it yeah so w like to is is just a big open
(16:31) Barrel um so basically you’re in the ocean you’re inside of the wave you know like it’s pretty kind of hard to explain it’s easier to watch it but how you get judged over there is basically the more time you spend in the barrel the deeper you are the bigger the wave um and yeah I guess how how long the wave is um yeah the higher the higher the score is going to be now I know what to look for have you envisage yourself winning have you got your hand on your heart and you you see yourself at the middle ceremony with a gold
(16:57) middle round you are you are you are you visioning this I am yeah we do a lot of visualization um as Surfers and um you know this is my second Olympics and I feel like I left a little bit in Tokyo I I I gave it everything but I feel like I could have done better so um yeah I’m looking forward to Tahiti and I definitely want to get a middle that’s my goal I think that’s everyone’s goal but personally I think it’s really achievable and um yeah I’m going to put my best foot forward and and kind of
(17:24) just put my head down and give it give it everything head down jump in that tube and just and ride it mate ride it hey good luck hey we’re right with you we’ll be watching out for you good luck thank you very much okay take care good to have you on the program GH yeah 863 293 the details are here we’ll talk CH of schulls um shortly as well uh let’s do three questions three questions from the editor and chief one at number one why suddenly does the police Minister and the commissioner not know how many
(17:50) officers are heading to Australia because the headline smells trouble suddenly they can’t count because well they don’t want to but records show more than 300 cops have left in recent months for bigger pay packets overseas in Australia don’t believe I don’t believe one’s returned come on Mark Mitchell and Andrew Costa truth always reveals itself do yourselves a favor and be more upfront about what’s obviously going on in front of us it’s really obvious number two t t t which banks just screwed us Ki bank
(18:14) and they put their hand up as well to be honest 36,000 customers have been overcharged by $7 million now Ki bank will face the music oh was one of them I sent them an email 2 weeks ago and said hey hey mate why you judging me this every month which sends me sends my account into debit which you didn’t charge me for again they said sorry mate they reimbursed me only to do it again the next month they will now face the collective music on this not from me but from the authorities number three why do I rate Norm hu so highly former Norm hu
(18:41) has died from M neuron but he was more than just a rugby player this guy was um he was legent he owned his issues he was upfront about his past and he took responsibility in all my dealings with him in Wellington I found him amazing to deal with upfront accountable and a thinker and a role model and now New Zealand’s worse off for losing this guy to his family may you rest in peace I’m very sorry for your loss he really was an incredible man Ghana okay so the government has given the green light for
(19:03) the establishment of up to 35 charter schools and 150 $3 million of funding has been set aside to make it happen charter schools are not required to teach the national curriculum they give Educators greater autonomy control and they aim to raise overall educational achievement especially among underachieving and disengaged students which there are so many in New Zealand the schools are subject to high levels of monitoring and accountability I support them because the failure in our state system is high and sometimes not
(19:28) every kid fits into this one system right so we must try other ways and we can’t give up on them I’ve sat here for years questioning the failure of some schools the failure of our curriculum to adapt and the rates of failure amongst our boys and especially mildy boys simply it’s got to change how bad is it and why must we seek other ways alen P has run successful child sches before he’s putting his head up to do it again and I’m with him good on him um he joins us now K mate nice to have you on the
(19:50) program thanks D really nice to be you here yeah we got a problem haven’t we a real problem with achievement haven’t we uh someone I respect greatly said to me two days ago that she believes that our education system is near collapse um I I guess one thing that I’ve tried to do over the last 10 years now is is tell people and uh they’re always surprised so for instance our top 30 schools our students top 30 high schools our students uh from those schools leave 87% of them leave with uee our bottom 30
(20:22) schools is 2.7% bottom 30 schools in New Zealand no one’s no one no there a lot with zero so 97% failure on average across those bottom schools to get UE which is which is the qualification that kids should be aiming at go because we aren’t even getting NCA level one in some instances uh and and again it’s which is an easy which is let’s be honest it’s not hard you trip over and hit your head and you get some credits exactly um and uh it’s The Usual Suspects it’s our M kids it’s
(20:51) our Pacifica kids you know 36% of Pacific kids Pacifica kids in New Zealand fully attending school in 2 and four last year 3% and what ages are these kids well that’s that’s throughout that’s from year 1 to 13 um so 63 odd per whatever it is yep not attending fully what where are they what are they doing why are they so disengaged we have 10 10,000 kids in New Zealand last year who weren’t enrolled anywhere no one knows where they are um this this I’ll stop you right there 10,000 kids not enrolled in in school any
(21:24) school at all that’s illegal isn’t it it is illegal uh they they can’t be found who’s chasing them no one well no I and it doesn’t count homeschoolers because they have to register um but um you know it was interesting to have Sam Sam on um and he’s doing wonderful things isn’t he yeah uh absolutely wonderful things um we won’t really get anywhere until that it’s now 40% that bottom 40% of our kids are getting good education and it has huge impact on everything it has an impact if we want to talk about our
(21:58) country on on productivity when you look at those um look at those those pza numbers and you go through them across every level we’ve gone backwards we we’re lower we’re achieving lower rates now than we were in 2003 4 5 6 but we’re also the country in the world or the oecd country with the most disparity between the kids who do well and the kids who don’t so the ones that are doing well let’s let’s celebrate them they’re doing really well absolutely they are almost overachievers that’s
(22:24) what people would call them I hate that term but that’s what they’re doing but the bottom is garly isn’t it it’s really nly and it feeds through to the amount of uh 18 to 25’s non in education employment or training uh then it feeds through to the supermarkets Etc you know raiding the the what we used to call oile schools for the people to work um and so 16y olds are are leaving school to take those jobs they end up in a in a low paid minimum wage job for the rest of their lives they never get out of it
(22:55) so we’ve got 12% youth unemployment yep um we’ve got record numbers of you know not an education training or any form of um any form of job or any sort of form of other training so we’re talking maybe 70,000 kids it’s been as T that hasn’t it uh yeah it is and it again it’s concentrated in certain areas uh you know I’m I lived in uh the Bay of islands for six for the last eight years passionate about the far north um and it’s the worst province in New Zealand by significant margin for for all
(23:25) education and employment STS now why is that well I I think there’s a range of things um the the schools aren’t great uh I think there’s only one good Academic School in the whole far north uh small uh Christian School goodness I I I know it so KY Fung boys girls is no good kitty k again they’re probably microcosms for what you just said the kids there are kids in those schools who are doing fantastically well um so important is but the range uh from the top to the bottom in those schools and
(23:59) we have I mean I know they’re probably sick of me saying it but we have a lot of schools that celebrate sport in New Zealand and so 50% of the mar Boys in New Zealand uh in single sex boys education are involved in what are called the Super Eight schools so that’s toer boys Ro boys Hamilton napia gisburn New Plymouth paliston North and there’s one other uh R yeah y r so so so R boys for instance uh they lose more than 30% of the kids before they turned 17 the UN say that again they lose more than 30% so the
(24:37) tong boys where they going where the kids going they just leave school well you know yeah they they don’t have great records for where they go I mean the university entrance for levers and that’s the important one not not their cohort not their survivors at year 13 for R boys is 14.
(24:56) 3% how many kids are getting how many boys are getting NCA level one that’s um the old fifth for those who are confused um it’s lower for boys than it is for girls and and by quite a margin about 10% um and and so that’s that’s barely addressed in many ways so how will the charter schools address this how having Charter School set up will mean what um first of all I think we got to acknowledge for a a significant period of time it will be a minor intervention because at the most they’re talking 50 schools we got we got 2 and a half
(25:26) thousand schools in New essentially nothing it’s pilot it’s yeah but you can learn from that pilot done a pilot though um yeah but it kind of got cut off at the knees by by uh mun and and and and and Mr Hipkins and Woody Jackson who actually had a child of school himself that’s what makes me laugh is the pockets on the labor party who actually supported and set themselves up a j school well that’s right and and I I think from that last government to me the most most disappointing people were
(25:55) actually the labor party marus will Jackson Co I agree yep y uh because they had a real opportunity to push for improvement for Maran education and they just didn’t do it and and he he had signed up to it he’ receed funding for it correct he was doing it he had he had at the opening he had labor party MPS there supporting him so the biggest thing that that CH well there are two things uh one is they can improve the lives of the kids that they’re going to be working with uh it it’s important that people understand
(26:22) that a lot of the things that that you said are accurate about the model but then a lot of the the next level stuff that people put out like it’s a people are in it for profit there is no profit in this model um the margins are are far too small that’s what the union say oh you’re doing it you um you’re doing it for your own reasons you’re profiteering from education this is wrong but Labor’s always stood and unions always stand against profiteering in anything yes but you make profit from education if you’re
(26:47) a Microsoft you make profit from education if you’re an architect to Builder all that sort of stuff um but but the China school thing isn’t a profit making model it’s just not enough money now no that’s correct so so kind of forget that one so so the schools can uh educate the kids that come to them extremely well the second thing they can do a and people like Nathan and a jury who are going to set up St Stevens they can show as they’ve done for uh manur in palon North that and that’s a top 20
(27:19) School in New Zealand the jues they know what they’re doing they’re brilliant yeah they are so they can show everyone else howy this can be done and that’s the important for me for Char schools is the curriculum in our state schools just way off targets and it’s I find it’s not interesting to our boys a number of boys that I know in the system plus my own they couldn’t give us stuff what’s going on at school they’re board shitless correct and it’s not it’s not the curriculum actually the
(27:45) New Zealand curriculum isn’t that much of problem what’s wrong then the way that the schools apply it uh and so I I write a model myself based on the New Zealand curriculum uh their boys do find interesting the girls find interesting interesting they have been taught some oldfashioned techniques and old fashioned ways and they’ve been told to remember this the exams later on in the year yeah that’s crap oh yeah you’ve got to have huge creativity you’ve got to have kids I mean my learning statement
(28:14) is that uh all students can develop exceptional skills and knowledge sets all students uh with the expert teaching coaching and mentoring uh significant purposeful practice and and boys can adapt to that really well in opportunities to express exactly so why is why child of schools seen as so controversial by some cuz I just I I just see them as a as a necessary part of a wider education offering I mean my challenge to the teacher unions this time first of all is that no one’s going to believe the things that they said last time so last
(28:46) time one of their main MERS was uh we don’t need them we’ve got a world-class education system come on No One Believes that anymore it’s like the world class faric it would never existed so they’re saying well 153 million is a is is a waste of money and and basically it would solve all the problems in the state system it’s it’s well less than 1% of the government’s education spe so don’t talk nonsense uh it would provide I I think 700 teacher raids for 2 and a half th000 schools if it was spent that
(29:12) way but it’s not a binary choice so my challenge to them is is don’t don’t waste your time banging on for five or six years against 50 schools no one will believe you improve your teachers improve the state system when will your schools um be live and ready to go well we’ve got to get approv and that is a big deal I think the system as I see that they’re setting it up now is really fair uh it’s really good I’m putting together or put together a a very good group of people um we’ve got three locations uh to apply
(29:43) for um but we have to apply well we have to get through there’s a question here from David Scott who says to me Duncan um why are we allowing LGBT Pride stuff in school sexual um perversion doesn’t belong in schools what’s your reaction to that um I think the sexuality education that the ministry under the last govern has put through uh is not a good thing it doesn’t respect Family Values uh it was pushed through pretty secretly really uh what you used to be able to do was if you were a parent and you disagreed with
(30:18) what was going to be taught You’ be informed and you allowed your child to step aside this was done really insid insidiously where um the sexuality education and now can be in science it can be in the school have approached us about it they always send they send emails they tell us what’s going and and that’s cool um but I I think at the at the ministry level that’s the issue where this was pushed through and boards are told you have to do this um it’s hard to tell not all schools are doing
(30:47) it they don’t it’s not compulsory yes it is it is compulsory yes it’s not compulsory to attend it no I know but it’s really hard now because kids are going to go well Mom I can’t go to science I can’t go to English I can’t if you want me to avoid these things so I I think a lot more consultation needs to go on with the families and I think a lot of that education actually belongs in the home and and and to me that’s a big deal well depends who’s who’s teaching I mean you just don’t know who
(31:12) whose values are they and what are they telling your kids correct and and you do have to respect the values of the family I mean the family is more important than the school uh I I think that’s a big deal but a school is important as well good luck I’m with you on this so all the very best hey thank you so much I appreciate being on you’re very welcome very welcome Ghana okay um Duncan kids in the hood this what TK says are working to help out at home started during Co life they never returned go
(31:37) for gold Billy says Moana and um yeah James said my business is about to switch from westpack to KI bank once it’s finalized I will look into how I can also switch right good morning to you it’s the slam D so as a journalist for the last 29 years I’ve always tried to stay as as independent um and is unattached to everything in society really it’s the best way to stay truly independent um and I’ve taken it seriously I’ve never joined any movements or protests I’ve never belonged to a political party never um
(32:04) and I’ve even been careful as what sort of friendships you know I I have even um I’ve not been officially part of any school board um any movement the only movement I’ve joined up with is BBM Dave tell’s Brown BBY movement I’m a trustee on there because I think he does good work he asked me to be involved and I’ve been involved for a number of years I’m in his corner and I’ve been upfront about that now though I’ve been asked to join a board um alen pool’s board around
(32:26) um setting up chter schools the establishment of three charter schools in Orland and Northland um and I’ve said yes I’ve had four kids in the state schooling system I have two currently in it they’re doing well but for years I’ve spoken about the curriculum about engagement and disengagement in schools and it’s worried me and I’m now worried that boys are disconnected um with their schools in the board with the approach that’s offered so I’ve said yeah I’ll get involved drivy remains a huge issue
(32:49) um these kids have so much access to information through digital devices I wonder if School BS them and can’t excite them and make it relevant anymore 20% of our 15y olds are basically literate in our schools they can’t read or right 20% so are we worried about that I am um not all kids fit the one size fits all approach in my view some kids are simply not academically inclined they may want to join the Army fly to the moon make Rockets or um I don’t know clip Nails who knows what they want to do but they may have a
(33:17) obsession with boat building or designing houses just don’t know this way child of schools come in you see they allow the kids who might be failing in the traditional State system to sign up and give education another go under a different roof and another system under a different teachers with a different approach who might actually inspire them you just don’t know but not all kids fit into that state system and um I accept that some State schools are nailing it very top end they’re doing really well
(33:38) as Al and Paul said and some are doing a great job but this is not about them this is about the ones that aren’t doing so well some schools are just alarmingly poor 97% on average are failing kids 97% failure rate in the bottom schools that’s a huge number 97% failure across those bottom 20 schools 30 schools in New Zealand so only 3% of kids are passing this should be alarming you is your kid in one of those schools and are you concerned about it let me know and you be just sit here and do nothing about those kids well I I’ve said no we
(34:09) got to do something I accept not all child schools will be successful but I do think we need to widen our offering this is this is a pilot up to 50 schools big deal 153 million sounds like a lot but I’m sorry education is like $18 billion spend it’s nothing if I see something in the um charter school stuff that when I’m there that worries me and I can’t accept it I resign and blow the whistle and I’ll be really clear about that Willie Jackson as I said in his m in piece supported this stuff and then they had to pull the pin
(34:36) on it because they were laboring PE and was their approach not to support it what hypocrisy and it stinks China schools and unions will never see eye to eye and basically the union see this as threatening the current model but this can be done without the aggro and the opposition surely we can do it without we can do it without um this group think that everything is bad on one side and everything’s great on the other it’s really just two ideas coexisting side by side surely they can live side by side
(35:00) and exist without the noise and the angro thousands of schools in New Zealand and this is just 35 schools doing it differently if anything it’s an experiment we got to strive for something better in New Zealand it’s worth trying for it it’s worth striving for my own kids won’t be part of this I’m giving my time and whatever I can contribute to this whole thing because I worry about our future and I worry about the education decline in New Zealand I want to be part of the solution rather than always barking from the sidelines
(35:24) you know so I’m giving it a go I want to be transparent with you about it hence why I’m telling you this I’m doing it because we just can’t accept things as they are we’re got to strive for better and when a child is failing in the state system and can’t find a way through that state system at least offer them some kind of option rather than the doll let them stay in education and get them on track for the next phase whatever that may be Gana okay lot of feedback coming in Duncan says talks if boys are just
(35:48) disconnected and if Dad’s home guess whose fault yeah well it’s Dad isn’t it yeah now we found something um you think some school systems are bad check out how bad this is this this was at it’s a baseball game isn’t it it’s the um it’s it’s the big hit whatever they call it this is the American [Music] national through the perous fight all the we so oh how come it stopped here it is gets worse play the whole thing and the rocket spread glare the bombs bursting in air through the night that a flag was still
(36:50) there oh oh say does that star spr way for the land of the [Applause] free and the home of [Music] the oh dear Caleb Forester Forester um you you pulled up in America yeah 11 years 11 years in Cali give me a view of that it wasn’t good was it no no that was fail quite frankly yeah I don’t know what what was well I mean I saw some of the feedback on um online people were asking if she was on drugs or if she was wasted or you know do you think someone turned her autot tune off or something I don’t know oh I don’t think autotune would
(37:53) have saved it in you’ve got to be somewhat of a tune to get to to shift the tune to where you want it to be that wasn’t any key tune or anything how uncomfortable for the for the baseballers that there going they got their hand on their heart going oh my goodness one of the worst ones I think it was NBA was was that Ferg’s one Forester yeah that’s that’s the comparison people are they’re saying that this is second F still not as bad as that but but um Forest if you were to try and sing the first first line or two
(38:22) how would you I couldn’t I couldn’t it’s a hard one isn’t it no no yeah we had to do it in school I think oh yeah yeah every morning yeah okay mate how you good on Forest um bit of feedback coming in Duncan um James said this is this is why you’re the man Duncan um because you’ve been yourself and you’re doing something you’re passionate about yeah that’s what I’m I’m doing with education you got more feedback for us yeah I do um I have a nephew that got through intermediate in Oakland and he could not
(38:46) read or write um it’s got nothing to do with the schools go to the kids houses and try and find a book is what people are saying on Tik Tok okay here’s the test how many this a test for the the school holidays which right now how many of you have read a book the school holidays and parents if if you listening or watching this how many of you have made sure that your kids have read one book this this holiday this two we period how many I put my hand up I haven’t forced a book on any of my kids there we go being
(39:12) honest have you Troy say that she he thinks that she’s drunk got some attention yeah got some attention right that’s us guys um this will be available as a podcast verye shortly once KO um does let his fingers do the walking on the computer so that all be up um we have podcast also on Rover um I’m Duncan at rover.
(39:33) NZ you get hold of me send us your feedback let us know what um what’s on your mind thank you to my team um Miranda C Forester and Serena we’ll do it all again um tomorrow thank you for taking part thanks for your feedback thanks for your interest and remember life’s no dress rehearsal no curtain Razer this is it we’re in it right now the real deal take care have a great day that was Duncan Ghana editor and chief live miss something on the live stream text Duncan to 3598 to listen back on the podcast want to get in touch call 0800 863 293
(40:05) [Music]
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