As dairy plays an essential role in sustainable food systems and environmental solutions, The Dairy Alliance is embarking on being a vocal advocate in highlighting the fundamental importance of sustainability in the dairy industry. The nonprofit organization, funded by dairy farm families of the Southeast, is raising awareness in a series of videos to educate individuals about how their dairy farmers are supporting the environment with greenhouse gas reductions, water conservation, energy efficiency, and much more.
Despite popular belief, cows and dairy are not major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. In each video, farm owners across the Southeast share their unique stories about how they are utilizing technology, local resources, and implementing best management practices to preserve natural resources in their local communities.
“Many dairy families have been farming for generations, and they have always been stewards of the land and focused on finding new innovations and technologies to protect their cows and preserve their land for decades to come,” said Geri Berdak, Chief Executive Officer at The Dairy Alliance. “These are passionate and hard working individuals who value their land and animals. We hope to continue making improvements and educating the local community about the significant level of commitment that dairy farmers have to environmental sustainability.”
The series of videos highlight Sam Craun, Davis Brothers Dairy in Tennessee; Nathan Souther, Mountain View Dairy Farm in North Carolina; Molly Elgin McWilliams, J Team Dairy in Virginia; and Pete Gelber, Barrington Dairies in Georgia.
In 2020, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy set aggressive new environmental sustainability goals to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality or better, optimize water usage and improve water quality by 2050 “Today, the carbon footprint of one gallon of milk is 19% less than it was a decade ago, but we’re not done yet,” said Berdak.
“All farming and manure management decisions are made with the environment in mind,” says Molly McWilliams, Virginia dairy farmer. “Every effort made on our farm directly supports our cows, land, and most importantly our future generations.”
The sustainability video series was produced by The Dairy Alliance’s Agriculture and Environmental team, Farrah Newberry, Vice President of Agricultural and Environmental Affairs, and Mekenzie Panhans, Assistant Director of Sustainability & Industry Communications.
The Dairy Alliance are global advocates for dairy, an essential ingredient to life, and works with schools and nutrition officials to provide support, training, new ideas and valuable resources throughout the Southeast to promote dairy.
For more information about The Dairy Alliance, visit or follow them on Facebook or Instagram @TheDairyAlliance.
The Dairy Alliance is a nonprofit funded by dairy farm families of the Southeast. We work diligently with dairy farmers, schools, sports teams, health professionals, local organizations, state leaders, the media, and the public to promote dairy foods and knowledge about the dairy industry. Our efforts center in eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
To learn more about The Dairy Alliance and the nutritional benefits of dairy, visit