With no end to the war in sight and spring planting season in full swing in the northern hemisphere, farmers are turning to animal and plant waste instead. Manure suppliers in particular are selling out. There’s not enough manure to meet the demand of farmers in the US. The pressure is being felt globally, with farmers in the UK even opting to buy treated human sewage sludge.
While domestic supply sells out, manure is also traded across borders. Trade has increased since the pandemic. Top importers are the US, France, and the Netherlands.
Who imports manure
Fertilizers containing potassium, are what farmers are scrambling for. Potassic fertilizers are used and imported far more than manure fertilizers, and while manure won’t be able to replace all fertilizers, it is getting more buyers. Manure fertilizer imports are increasing while potassic fertilizer imports stagnate or decrease, particularly in France and the Netherlands.
Who exports manure
The Netherlands is the top exporter of manure fertilizers in the world followed by Italy and Belgium.