MVP Dairy was nominated for the award by Gavin Strang, director of MANA Market Development & Sales Support with DeLaval Inc. of Bannockburn, Illinois.
The 4,400 Holsteins on the MVP Dairy farm live in six, six-row, tunnel-ventilated freestall barns designed for maximum cow comfort. Each stall is bedded with sand and is groomed each day. The barns are furnished with 20 DeLaval Swinging Cow Brushes to ensure a cleaner coat by removing dirt and debris, allowing cows to more effectively cool their bodies. The climate-controlled barns utilize about 400 VES fans on a variable frequency drives that automatically adjust depending on the temperature and humidity as well as misters to achieve an optimal cooling effect for the herd. The barns also utilize translucent polycarbonate siding to allow natural sunlight in while keeping UV rays out.
Each cow wears a neck collar which monitors her activity and health. When a cow is milked at MVP Dairy, each milking point on their 80-bail rotary is connected to a milk meter which records individual cow milk flow, milk yield, and parlor performance, providing real-time, actionable data to herd managers. Cows needing attention are redirected into separate pens with automatic sort gates.
MVP is showing a 95-pound milk average with 3.1% protein and 3.7% butterfat, which is a true testament to the management practices and technologies in place.
An innovative and patented manure management system significantly reduces waste and odor, and a recycling system is in place to maximize benefits for animal care, crop care and the environment. The core of this system is a proven technology used by many municipalities throughout the United
States and relies upon natural treatment of the manure after valuable components have been separated for beneficial uses.