Which type of milk is best?
Whether you use dairy milk or non-dairy milk, all types of milk will have an effect on the environment. However, the extent of the impact varies between the different types of milk. To learn which kind of milk has the lowest impact, we can turn to the chart created by the BBC using data from a 2018 study in Science. The chart compares the environmental impact of dairy milk, rice milk, soy milk, oat milk, and almond milk based on their emissions, land use, and water use.
With just one glance, you can see just how much worse dairy milk is for the environment than the other types of milk. But determining which one is the best is a bit of a toss-up. Rice milk uses the least amount of land, but it produces the second most emissions and has the third highest water use. Almond milk requires the second-highest amount of water but produces the least greenhouse gas emissions.
When considering all of the data, it would seem that oat milk may be the best choice. Oat milk produces the second-lowest amount of emissions and uses the second-lowest amount of water. And, while its land use is the second highest of the bunch, it’s still below 0.5 sq m per glass.
When it comes to types of milk, you have a lot of choices available. And though dairy milk may have been the top selection for years, new research shows just how disastrous it is for the environment. Switching to non-dairy milk can reduce your personal environmental impact drastically—no matter which one you choose. But if you’re looking for suggestions, swap your cow milk for oat milk for the biggest positive effect.