Industry reps from both sides of the border agree to 12-point plan.
U.S. and Mexico dairy groups address shared goals

Dairy industry representatives from the United States and Mexico met in Chihuahua, Mexico this week to discuss ways to build better partnership between the two countries. It was the sixth time representatives from both nations have met since 2016.

The U.S. delegation included the U.S. Dairy Export Council and the National Milk Producers Federation as well farmer and business representatives.

Mexico group included the Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas (National Organization of Livestock Organizations), Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Leche (Mexican Association of Milk Producers), Gremio de Productores Lecheros de Mexico (Mexican Dairy Producers Guild), Cámara Nacional de Industriales de la Leche (National Chamber of Milk Industries) and Consejo Nacional Agropecuario (National Agricultural Council).

Together, the two delegations discussed a wide range of issues affecting producers on both sides of the border. U.S. Dairy Export Council CEO Krysta Harden says both nations’ dairy industries share similar challenges that call for cooperation.

Toward the meeting’s end, the two delegations issued a 12-point framework to strengthen the North American milk production industry.

Both sides agreed to preserve, facilitate and improve trade between the two nations. They agreed to continue meeting annually to discuss issues impacting the dairy sector. The delegations agreed that growing the dairy sector in both nations is a key objective benefitting producers, manufacturers and consumers in Mexico and the U.S.

To achieve that goal, the two sides committed to promoting activities aimed at increasing milk consumption and identifying actions that will improve dairy farm productivity. They also vowed to defend against what they contend is the misuse of milk and dairy terminology by non-dairy product producers.

Going forward, representatives from both nations say they will maintain open communication channels between milk and dairy producer organizations, strengthening cooperation in technological exchange and training, and sharing information on critical issues like sustainability, animal welfare and farm labor.

They also agreed to exchange information about the promotion of milk and dairy products and to defend common food names, particularly cheese terms, in the North American market. The groups say they will develop a work plan on common agenda issues and schedule future meetings to discuss them.

“The U.S. and Mexico dairy industries are key partners in their shared mission to grow demand and protect dairy’s public image,” National Milk Producers Federation’s Gregg Doud says. “The renewed commitment signed today further strengthens our important relationship.

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