The head of Saputo Australia, Lino A Saputo, has said the biggest challenge for Australia’s milk processing sector is a long-term decline in milk supply. “The dairy pool has been declining over the course of the past 3 years,” Saputo said during a press conference. “In fact, it’s been declining since my first trip out here in Australia in 2001. Then the country was producing about 11 billion litres of milk.”
Saputo sees the production and development of high-value products as one of the solutions to this problem. Saputo has announced an AUS$20 million (US$13.7 million) investment at its Smithton plant in north-west Tasmania. The new plant will be producing cream cheese.
New Zealand support for dairy
In New Zealand, DairyNZ is offering regional support for farmers who have experienced extensive damage to farms and homes from recent wind and floods. The focus is on ensuring animals are fed, watered and comfortable, while putting together a plan with the New Zealand government. Farm performance general manager, Sarah Speight, says for some farmers, the end of the season will be difficult if they are very badly affected.
ALSO READ: Reducing zoonotic disease transmission in dairy farmsZoonotic diseases are a significant public health concern and an occupational risk for farm workers who are in regular contact with dairy cattle. In addition, increased zoonotic infections decrease dairy farm labour force productivity. Therefore, it is essential from a public health and economic perspective to reduce the emergence and transmission of zoonotic diseases by using effective biosecurity measures. Read more…
US dairy exports
In the US, dairy exports were outstanding again in 2022, with record shipments proving to be the key demand driver for US milk. For a 3rd consecutive year, the US dairy industry set a record for the volume of dairy products exported on a milk solids equivalent basis. The current record surpasses 2.4 million mt. That is the equivalent of over 18.14 billion kg of raw milk, 18% of the US milk supply. For the 5th time in the last 6 years, US exports grew by more than domestic consumption.
EU dairy trade with Indonesia
The European Dairy Association recently met with representatives from Indonesia to discuss the dairy trade relationship between the EU and Indonesia. The Indonesian market, with more than 270 million consumers, offers huge potential for European dairy exports as well as for EU operators that are already active in the country. Indonesia is set to facilitate this further through a tax allowance facility. Ongoing negotiations on a free trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia has the potential to even further boost the economic relationship.