Waikato Milking Systems is releasing its new cow monitoring system, CowTraQ, and its new TracHQ automation platform that will be powered by Nedap.
“Our technology and partnership with Nedap begins a new era in dairy management,” says Jamie Mikkelson, Waikato Milking Systems Executive Chairman.
“With the release of our smart CowTraQ collars, Waikato Milking Systems now offers the most comprehensive and accurate solution to identify cows and monitor their reproduction, health, location and more.
“The innovative, reliable and integrated identification, automation and monitoring solutions provided by our CowTraQ system and our TracHQ platform lead the way in helping dairy farmers become more profitable, sustainable and productive,” Jamie adds.
“Advanced herd monitoring and management technologies have become vital tools for dairy farms throughout the world.
“That’s because the technology is easily harnessed to maximize herd performance and farm efficiency,” Verstege adds.
Dairy farmers save time and labour, and use the information generated by the technology to improve farm management at the tactical and strategic levels.
The CowTraQ system and TracHQ platform, powered by Nedap, offer dairy farmers industry-leading advantages:
Transforming cow data into real-time and relevant alerts, to-do lists, reports and shed maps to help manage and control the herd.
A single collar combines animal identification, heat detection, health monitoring, herd performance trends and cow-locating to improve herd performance and offer producers peace of mind.
Seamless integration with other Waikato Milking Systems automation systems, herd management programs and software tools.
Dependable, robust technology proven across wide-ranging environmental conditions and farm management systems.
Industry-leading research and development team continually cultivating new tools including Augmented Reality.
Shared commitment to excellence
“Waikato Milking Systems is excited to add these cow monitoring and herd management solutions to its broad portfolio of automation tools,” says Jamie.
“They will strengthen dairy farm management and animal care, provide farmers the assurance that proper animal care occurs in a timely manner and expand dairy farmer access to cutting-edge technology and dairy management capabilities.”
Verstege adds, “Nedap is proud to add Waikato Milking Systems to its valued distributor network of leading international dairy industry companies.
“We are committed to our shared vision of long-term investments to enhance dairy farming and to provide farmers a profitable and sustainable future.”
Visit waikatomilking.com or nedap-livestockmanagement.com to learn more about cow monitoring systems and herd management technology.
About the companies:
Waikato Milking Systems is a leading manufacturer of dairy technology, based in Hamiltom, New Zealand, but with a global salesforce, dealership, technical and farmer network in all of the major dairy countries. The company is backed by half a century of experience in the dairy industry and continues to develop new technology to help farmers meet the challenges of the future and to grow the value of their dairy.
Nedap develops technology for life. Technology that helps people be more successful and happier in their professional lives. For Nedap Livestock Management this means helping professional dairy and pig producers run a profitable, sustainable and enjoyable business. The solutions Nedap creates enable them to automate everyday tasks and make informed decisions based on individual animal identification and data. This way Nedap empowers livestock producers torespond to the growing global demand for animal protein in a way that is both profitable and aligned with rising standards for animal welfare, sustainability, transparency and the safety and quality of food. A publicly listed company, Nedap employs more than 800 people globally, across 10 locations and seven business units.