Donkey Milk Dairy You may have heard or heard of cow, buffalo, goat or camel milk, but for the first time in the country, dairy milk is also going to be opened and the best thing is that the milk of the body The immune system also plays an important role in healing.

Donkey Milk Dairy You may have heard or heard of cow, buffalo, goat or camel milk, but for the first time in the country, dairy milk is also going to be opened and the best thing is that the milk of the body The immune system also plays an important role in healing. For the first time in the country, the National Horse Research Center (NRCE) is going to start dairy dairy of Halari breed in Hisar. For this, NRCE had already ordered 10 halari breed donkeys. Which are currently being breed.

Dairy work will be started soon after Breeding. The milk of the donkey of the Halari breed of Gujarat is considered a treasure of medicines.

It is sold in the market for two thousand to seven thousand rupees a liter. This develops the ability to fight against diseases like cancer, obesity, allergies. It also makes beauty products, which are quite expensive. Assistance is also being sought from the scientists of NRCE, Hisar’s Central Buffalo Research Center and National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal for starting dairy.

Look also

The Australian dairy industry is heading for more consolidation as milk supply shrinks, according to dairy analyst Steve Spencer.

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