Released July 21, 2022: June Milk Production up 0.3 percent.
June 2022 Milk Production

Milk production in the 24 major States during June totaled 18.1 billion pounds, up 0.3 percent from June 2021. May revised production, at 18.9 billion pounds, was down 0.4 percent from May 2021. The May revision represented an increase of 37 million pounds or 0.2 percent from last month’s preliminary production estimate.

Production per cow in the 24 major States averaged 2,031 pounds for June, 20 pounds above June 2021.

The number of milk cows on farms in the 24 major States was 8.93 million head, down 65,000 head from June 2021 but 4,000 more than from May 2022.

2021 Annual Milk Production up 2.2 percent from 2019

The annual production of milk for the United States in 2021 was 226 billion pounds, 1.3 percent above 2020. Revisions to 2020 production raised the annual total 89 million pounds. Revised 2021 production was down 18 million pounds from last month’s publication. Annual total milk production has increased 12.8 percent from 2012.

Production per cow in the United States averaged 23,948 pounds for 2021, 171 pounds above 2020. The average annual rate of milk production per cow has increased 10.2 percent from 2012.

The average number of milk cows on farms in the United States in 2021 was 9.45 million head, up 0.6 percent from 2020. The average number of milk cows was unrevised for 2021. The average annual number of milk cows has increased 2.3 percent from 2012.

The next update is August 22, 2022

Milk production data for 24 selected states from USDA is released around the 18th of the month following the month for which the information applies. At the same time the current production figures are released, updated data for the previous month’s milk production is released. This graph reflects the updated information.

The 24 states for which the USDA reports milk production are: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

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The farm that supplied northern Maine’s only dairy is getting out of the milk business as well.

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